The Fems

The CentrE17 venue information

Price: £9.00 (£9.74 including fees)

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About The Fems

THE FEMS are a post-apocalyptic explosion of flamingo monsters who come to party, to play and to destroy toxic masculinity through serious of sketches, songs, silliness and satire.
This flock of glittering outcasts, fresh from the sequinned swamp, present a kamikaze cabaret and monstrous melodrama. THE FEMS – terrifying embodiments of femininity – take us on a glittering tour to show that says “sometimes it’s hard to be a Fem” – but the alternative is even grimmer.
A parent seeking advice from a minister about his effeminate son, a bacchanal Women’s Institute meeting and a text from a ‘neomasculinity’ blog: THE FEMS skewer hypocrisies and hate with series of blasphemous and boisterous sketches – while probing themselves and their audience for their own femphobia.
THE FEMS (which are “Fem”, “Femme” or any derivation that fills the glittering space between the poles of perceived gender) are a bouffon chorus of unashamedly evil clowns. They combine the skills of our collective (spanning performance artists to musical theatre), the fun and fierceness of our strange play, and the topical relevance of a world of bathroom policing and gendered Lego.

A singular riotous, vicious, silly choral piece musing on masc vs. fem culture and the systems that keep this perfidious framework in place.

“Exciting, interesting, daring, mad, bonkers, touching, and really bloody brilliant” – Joe Boylan, Barrel Organ

“They are surreal and embody a playfulness that is not often seen in theatre at the moment” Natatsha Sutton Williams, Working Birthday Theatre

“…a hilarious and ultimately moving piece of theatre with a very clear goal. THE FEMS declare early on: “It’s our job to provoke you”. Despite their childlike playfulness, this lot are not messing around.” HISKIND Magazine

"The Fems celebrates and discusses the complexities of femininity without risking exclusivity. Every member of the audience is included and entertained, and The Fems strong message of support and openness never risks preaching, always maintaining the balance between entertainment and activism. A hilarious and thought-provoking evening for anyone and everyone…"  **** Spy In The Stalls

Event Terms & Conditions

Tickets are non-refundable. Proof of purchase must be shown to gain admission 

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The CentrE17

1 Church Hill
London, E17 3AB