F**k 18

The CentrE17 venue information

Price: £10.00 (£10.70 including fees)

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About F**k 18

Bread and Butter Productions presents...
Theatrical tales that transform and transcend.

"My Summertime sex!"
"Your Restoration Scandal!"
"How much can you handle?"

'FXXK 18 is a bareback bacchanalian beasting of a performance. It is the forbidden understanding of carnal knowledge.

In the modern timeline, we have the excess of the holiday rep culture, these transient local celebrities we worship and crave during our pilgrimages to the holiday islands where we binge, drink and shag with fervour. The escape of the working class to a place and time free of societal constraint and familial expectation, to discover who we are when we set our caged beast free.

In the past timeline, we find ourselves in a world where the choice to engage in sexual depravity is the privilege of the rich, where the local class is subjugated to endure the cruel whims of the powerful gentry. We find an actor clinging to his stage role as a women, his expression of his otherness and his path to men he desires and despises equally. His nemesis, the other women, becomes his accomplice and champion in revenge.

Similarly in our own time, in this paradise, revenge comes for those who have abused power, who have bullied and tortured. When the beast is set lose someone is going to get bitten! There are also moments of camaraderie juxtaposed with our society's obsession with slut-shaming.

Genuinely fun audience participation, cheeky gags, heartfelt acting and utterly filthy language shudder orgasmically throughout. Go now.'


Come and meet Bareback Baz, Cowboy Karl, Dynamite Daisy and Ave-it Large Lola who are stripped of their sensibilities to find new meaning in a place they so wanted to call home. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe; Madame Bollox, Lord Hadem', Lady Fxxx it and Mr Pissalfidgit mirror a world in which reputation, desire and honour rip to the core of a society in which sexual hypocrisy and political perversity collide.

Event Terms & Conditions

Tickets are non-refundable. Proof of purchase must be shown to gain admission 

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The CentrE17

1 Church Hill
London, E17 3AB