Fun French for under 5s
Kukoolala Cafe venue information
Price: £5.50 (£5.50 including fees)
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About Fun French for under 5s
French lessons for under-5s and their parents or carers.
Our lessons are engaging, positive and fun!
We use songs, stories, finger rhymes – and puppets! – to aid speech and language development, as well as listening skills. Children are encouraged to move around and get involved in activities, with an emphasis on learning through play (which has the added benefit of helping improve co-ordination skills).
Parents and carers can join in with the session to support the children and learn alongside them – but don’t worry, we won’t put you on the spot!
Event Terms & Conditions
Parents and carers are free.
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Kukoolala Cafe
3 Marsh Lane
London, E10 7BL