Pop Up Choir

Wharf Chambers venue information

Price: £4.00 (£4.44 including fees)

About Pop Up Choir

Fancy some festive cheer? Want to do a touch of carolling but don't have the time to fully commit to a choir? This one-off rehearsal (and performance opportunity) might just be what you're after! Come along to Wharf Chambers on November 29th at 1:45pm and learn 3 festive songs under the guidance of Choir Mistress Tessa. The cost for this 2-hour workshop is just £5 (£3.50 in advance), and you'll also recieve lyric sheets and a link to the recorded parts, so you can practise at home, ready for our ~*PERFORMANCE!*~ Sign up on TicketLab to save some pennies and let us know how many mincepies to buy! Yule have a great time! ~*PERFORMANCE DETAILS*~ On Saturday 5th of December, this Pop-Up Choir are invited to perform for the Arch Cafe's Festive Concert from 2:30pm. This is a relaxed affair, with some carols, readings and audience participation; bring your friends and family and make a Festive afternoon of it!

Event Terms & Conditions

Wharf Chambers has a Safe Space Policy. Please visit their website for more details.

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Wharf Chambers

Wharf Street
Leeds, LS2 7EQ