Corrupt at the heart of the British establishment

Price: £5.00 (£5.50 including fees)

About Corrupt at the heart of the British establishment

Exposing the depths to which corruption is now endemic within the very heart of the British political system.


Keynote sppeakers

Professor Prem Sikka - professor of accounting at the univeersity of Essex. His research on accountancy, auditing, corporate governance, money laundering, insolvency and business affairs has been published in books, international journals, newspapers and magazines. Professor Sikka was awarded a Lifetime Achievement award from the British Accounting and Finance Association,  in recognition of his distinguished service to the accounting academy, and takes account of his awesome contribution to research and teaching

Professor Colin Leys - Colin Leys is an honorary professor at Goldsmiths University of London. He is the author of Market Driven Politics: Neoliberal Democracy and the Public Interest, The Plot Against the NHS with Stewart Player and is an emeritus professor of Political Studies at Queen's University Canada. Until 2009 he was co-editor of the Socialist Register Professor Leys' research has been on the political economy of development in Africa and the UK.

Damien Quigg - Damien is the founder of Redesigning Democracy UK. Professionally, his background is in accountancy, as an accounts technician and he is a co-founder of The Haven Club, a social club in Kings Cross, London, for people in early recovery from drug & alcohol addiction. Damien is currently writing his first book, entitled "No George, clearly we are not all in this together."

Event Terms & Conditions

1. Purchases will be confirmed by email withiin 48 hours of purchase

2. An access code to the event will be emailed to the registered email address prior to the event commence time of 12pm

3. Tickets for all Redesigning Democracy UK events are not for resale

4. Registered participants wishing to cancel their attendance may do so within 14 days of purchase

5. With the exception of our final event on Monday 2nd May, whthe duration of which will be 6 hours, our events will run from 12pm to 2.30pm 2.5 

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