Spreading The Disease // Hedra // Memoirs Of The Damned at Upper Level @ Legends Sports Bar & Lounge

Doors open: Saturday 22nd June 2024, 7:30pm

Legends Sports Bar & Lounge venue information

Price: £8.00 (£8.68 including fees)

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About Spreading The Disease // Hedra // Memoirs Of The Damned at Upper Level @ Legends Sports Bar & Lounge

Arockalypse Productions presents ...
Spreading The Disease // Hedra // Memoirs Of The Damned at Upper Level @ Prior's Well Brewery, Mansfield.
Only £8 in advance or £10 on the door!

Spreading The Disease:
Kent based band, influenced by Slipknot, Machinehead, Pantera, Sabbs and many more. Spreading The Disease have had their music videos on rotation on Scuzz and have had a KKKK review in Kerrang! for their debut EP. A recent lineup change and some time in the studio brings new music and an evolution for the band in 2024!

On a mission to bring their music to every corner of the UK and beyond. With influences ranging from Iron Maiden to Muse to Soundgarden to Mastodon, the unmistakable and individual sound which conjures images of dark dystopian times makes Hedra stand out from the crowd while also appealing to those outside of the metal sphere.

Memoirs Of The Damned:
We are pleased to have local guys from Mansfield itself, Memoirs Of The Damned here to open this show. These guys with their own take on a blend of traditional rock styles with Metalcore have been making waves across the region over the last few years. They have lots of new material as they transition in to a new phase for the band, so this is a performance not to be missed.

Event Terms & Conditions

Set times and doors opening time subject to change. Refunds only applicable if the main act cancels. Support acts may be subject to change. Please keep up to date with the Facebook event page and/pr this page to be aware of any changes. Over 18's only.

Arockalypse Productions and Legends Sports Bar & Lounge reserve the right to refuse entry or remove any individual from the venue who is behaving in a disruptive manner, puts other individuals at risk or partakes in any offensive behavior deemed as bullying, harassment or any action against a persons protected characteristic, personal rights, or consent.
There may be photographers and videographers at the show. As part of ordering your ticket, you are consenting to be part of any filming, however, if you wish to withdraw this, please make staff aware upon arrival.

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Legends Sports Bar & Lounge

Handley Arcade
Mansfield, NG18 1NQ