Film: The Nickel presents The Driver (1978) on 16mm film


Doors open: 6:30pm

The Cinema Museum venue information

Price: £8.00 (£8.68 including fees)

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About Film: The Nickel presents The Driver (1978) on 16mm film

Another pit-stop with The Nickel Cinema as they continue their season of road films with Walter Hill’s cult classic The Driver (1978). A slick, stripped back, neon soaked LA neo-noir with Ryan O’Neal as le samuouraï of the LA freeway and Bruce Dern as the psychotically determined cat to his mouse.

An influence on everybody from Michael Mann to Nicholas Winding Refn to our own Edgar Wright, The Driver is a masterwork of simplicity. Screened here in glorious 16mm.

16mm presentation.

Doors open at 18.30, for a 19.30 start. Seating is unallocated.

Refreshments will be available in our licensed cafe/bar.

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The Cinema Museum

2 Dugard Way
Renfrew Road
London, SE11 4TH