Bourne Concert Band 40th Celebration - Child under 10

All Saints Church Hall, New Haw venue information

Price: £10.00 (£10.00 including fees)

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About Bourne Concert Band 40th Celebration - Child under 10

Bourne Concert Band of Woking celebrates its 40th anniversry this year, and will be celebrating with a play day and social event with family and friends.

Current players will be joined by past members and conductors. Family and guests welcome.

Ticket price includes:

Play afternoon for current and past members

Cold buffet

Tea, coffee, squash and homemade cakes

BYO drinks/alcohol


Preferred Payment method is Bank Transfer as the band will NOT incur a transaction fee. To pay by bank transfer please use the Band Account and notify Marion that payment has been paid.

Account name: The Bourne Concert Band of Woking

Sort code: 20-45-45
Account number: 30666572


Event Terms & Conditions

If you are a player booking please provide the following information to Marion

1.       Dietary requirements (if any)

2.       What instrument they will be playing (if guest or different from usual instrument).


Message the event organiser

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All Saints Church Hall, New Haw

All Saints Church Hall
98 Woodham Lane
New Haw, KT15 3DH