REBELS ATLAS/THE SOCIETY/WORDS - Firestarters Fest: MA CPP Performance Showcase
G.A.S. Station venue information
Price: £12.00 (£12.80 including fees)
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About REBELS ATLAS/THE SOCIETY/WORDS - Firestarters Fest: MA CPP Performance Showcase
TICKET A - £12
THIS IS A COMBO TICKET to see 3 performances
You will see performances between 6.40-8.20
(WORDS @6.40, REBELS ATLAS @7.10, THE SOCIETY @7.40/7.50)
Firestarters Fest: MA CPP Performance Showcase
Experience an action-packed evening of immersive, interactive, and cutting-edge work-in-progress performances from MA Contemporary Performance Practice students from the University of East London:
Kesia Guillery (Don't Be Absurd Theatre)
Sebastian H-W
Eduardo Piraes
Hannah Turner Wallis
Closest Tube: West Ham Station (Jubilee & District TLF Tube or National Railways)
All performances are suitable for ages 16+
We deeply regret to inform that due to the period architecture of the building and the shipping container outdoor spaces, that all the performance spaces can only be accessed by staircase/steps without ramps and so inaccessible for wheelchairs.
Kesia Guillery/Don’t Be Absurd
The Society of Satanic Spirits is holding a unique Open Evening. They’re inviting you to join them, and they’re going to help you awaken your own unique Inner Demon. Yes, you do have one. They promise. Merge with a strange crew of witches and demons, denizens of European folklore and the backwaters of our cultural subconscious, as they struggle up through the transparent façades you’ve all grown used to using to survive modernity.
What does it mean to be BAD in 2019?
Did Real Evil die, somewhere on the other side of corporate self-improvement?
The Society of Satanic Spirits isn’t prepared to let it go just yet.
An interactive initiation, that will guide you through the discovery of your Inner Demon through a series of tasks and questions. Be prepared to introspect.
The Society of Satanic Spirits is being shown at Firestarters as a work-in-progress phase of a site-specific project called Walpurgis Night, to be performed at St Augustine’s Tower, Hackney, in September. Don’t Be Absurd is developing the project in partnership with Anima Theatre, and with support from the Hackney Historic Buildings Trust.
DON’T BE ABSURD is KESIA GUILLERY’s theatre company, making performance in London with a focus on:
multi-national/multilingual theatre
cross-cultural narratives
placing the audience at the centre of a concept by including them in the world of a story
DON’T BE ABSURD’s work has previously been performed at Shoreditch Town Hall, LOST Theatre, the Streatham Space Project & VOILA! European Theatre Festival.
KESIA is a director/theatremaker who has recently worked for The Yard (Ass. Director, This Beautiful Future) and The Space (Director, Four O’Clock Flowers), as well as performing with fanSHEN and Foreign Affairs. She is interested in applying the audience-awareness that she has gained through work with interactive companies like fanSHEN, ZU-UK, and ImmerCity, to re-visitations of classic stories, and in creating performance that acknowledges the live moment. Kesia received a First Class BA Honours in French & German from the University of Cambridge, and trained in Art Dramatique at the Conservatoire Camille Saint-Saëns, Paris. In 2017 she was selected for the Young Vic emerging directors’ Springboard programme. // // @dontbeabsurd1 Twitter // @dontbeabsurdtheatre Insta
'Rebels Atlas' by Sebastian H-W
'Rebels Atlas (The Map Is Not The Legacy)' is an interactive, multimedia, documentary theatre project and a solo performance by Sebastian H-W that maps out the intersectional struggles of different generations of Stratford residents resisting regeneration, social cleansing, and displacement. This is a performance about the power that maps, pathways, learning, and legacy can have on our urban lives - and what, if anything - we can do about it.
This 30 minute work-in-progress will interweave Sebastian's own autobiography with collected narratives from local residents living in Stratford and Newham, where he lived in 2012; re-performing them through multimedia storytelling, song, movement, and audience interaction, the narratives of estate demolition, activist meetings, slum landlords, the London 2012 Opening Ceremony, and many more.
Rebels Atlas been developed with generous support from Coventry Shoot Festival, Belgrade Theatre, Theatre Deli, ZU UK, University of East London, Focus E15 Housing Campaign Group, Bishopsgate Institute, Greater Carpenters Neighbourhood Forum
Sebastian H-W (MX:UK) is a Live Artist based between London and the West Midlands whose work explores identity, memory, technology, participation and the body, through cutting-edge approaches to creating live performances, audience experiences, action-based interventions, and immersive installations. He has made work across a range of sites, spaces, and places including grand theatres, white cubes, black-boxes, historic watchtowers, city streets, quiet canals, the palm of your hand, and even the voices inside your head. Sebastian’s projects have been previously funded by National Lottery Arts Council England, Heritage Lottery Fund, British Council in Mexico, Jerwood Charitable Commission among other public and private funded bodies. Sebastian received a First Class BA Honours in Performance Writing with Sound Practices from Dartington College of Arts and Falmouth University.
// // contact[at]
// @SebastnHW on Twitter & Instagram // #RebelsAtlas
Words (Or Bits of Affection) by Eduardo Piraes
Words (Or Bits of Affection) is a participatory, intimate, and autobiographical solo performance by Eduardo Pires. It’s an invitation to establish a conversation between performer and audience on a recollection of personal unsent letters, confined feelings, unsaid words, and unlived dreams.
What was the last time you wrote a letter? Did you send it or kept it in secret? Who did you write to?
Through personal hand-written and unsent letters, Eduardo gently shares his memories on his process of self-discovery and self-acceptance. This 30-minute work-in-progress will thread a new script with each presentation, performing a live narrative on human feelings. It doesn’t matter what your gender, sexual orientation, political views, or your social class; we all have feelings that never had the chance or the courage to be expressed to ourselves or to anyone else. Be prepared to write them down as an act of sharing affection.
Word (Or Bits of Affection) is being shown at Firestarters Festival as a work-in-progress phase of research on a fluid dramaturgy between performer and spectator that addresses the difference between presentation and re-presentation in theatre as part of the MA Contemporary Performance Practices at the University of East London.
Eduardo Pires is a Brazilian artist based in London whose work explores intimacy, participation, and identity. He has worked with different platforms such as film, theatre, live events, and digital media. He seeks to develop performances that involve participation and blur the lines between reality and fiction. Recently, Eduardo has performed at Southbank Centre in Operation Black Antler by Blast Theory and Hydrocracker as part of the London ensemble. // // @pires_eduardo on Twitter & Instagram // #BitsOfAffection
Imagined Stages by Hannah Turner Wallis
Imagined Stages explores; the development of the performative self, the tension between liveness and archive through the intentionality of performing for the camera and devising tools to re-imagine the stage for both performer and audience through the use of live-streaming and documentation. This is a ‘live’ activation of research and an attempt to transpose the process of methodology development into a performative format.
You are invited to take part in a collaborative viewing of the performance via Instagram. Live-streamed via two Instagram channels (@thisismyotherself & @seeingourselves) audiences are encouraged to watch the performance in pairs for the full experience. A part experience is also possible by watching one of the live-streams. Imagined Stages can be seen at Fire Starters Festival, GAS Station, LONDON, or from wherever you are in the world with a connection to Instagram - 8pm start.
Please note: this performance requires access to Instagram, if this is not an option for you, you will be able to team up with other audience members. If you are watching from GAS Station, please bring headphones with you, and if you are watching from anywhere else, you may wish to use headphones, depending on your location. If you have any access issues with sound - please email me on or DM on Instagram @hannahturnerwallis.
Hannah Turner Wallis is an artist-curator working between UK and France. Making use of visual, performative, written and research based tools, Turner Wallis investigates themes of communication & access, spatial awareness, the ‘site’ as ‘stage’ and performative identity. Currently studying for a Masters in Contemporary Performance Practice at the University of East London, Hannah is a board member of ZU-UK, co-curator of Cley19 and is one half of Franco-British collaboration Dyad Creative. // // @hannah_t_wallis on Twitter // @thisismyotherslef & @seeingoursleves for performance Instagram // @hannahturnerwallis on Instagram //
The Society of Satanic Spirits contains strong language, some references to violence and violent images
Rebels Atlas contains strong language and flashing video
Words (Or Bits of Affection) contains strong language and is not recommended to people that have claustrophobia
Imagined Spaces - Please bring headphones for this performance - if you have any access issues with sound - please email me on or DM on Instagram @hannahturnerwallis
All 3 performances form the final Dissertation performances from students from the MA Contemporary Performance Practice at the University of East London.
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Event Terms & Conditions
TICKET A - £12
THIS IS A COMBO TICKET to see 3 performances
SEB/KESIA/CADU (8 available)
You will see performances between 6.40-8.20
(CADU @6.40, SEB @7.10, KESIA @7.40/7.50)
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G.A.S. Station
G.A.S. Station Gainsborough Learning Centre (aka Hamilton Road Centre)
1 Hamilton Road
London, E15 3AE