Little Monsters' Ball (Year 1 & Year 2)

Price: £5.00 (£5.50 including fees)

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About Little Monsters' Ball (Year 1 & Year 2)

Dear Families 

We will be celebrating the end of the first half term with three ‘Little Monsters’ Ball’ events on Friday 18th October - which will all include a disco, games, snack and entertainment.

In order to allow all children to attend, the Ball will be run as three separate events, grouped by:

Reception - 2.00-3.15pm

Year 1 & 2 - 3.30-5.00pm

Year 3 & 4 - 5.30-7.00pm

This event is for Year 1 & Year 2.

Event Terms & Conditions

  • Please only book the event that is year group appropriate for your child.
  • We cannot accommodate siblings in the same event unless it is appropriate for their year groups.  
  • Volunteers can only bring their children to the relevant year group event. 
  • The cost per child is £5.00.
  • Children can attend in optional fancy dress/costumes. However, masks/props or anything too scary are not allowed! 
  • Please ensure you indicate any allergies and dietary restrictions so they can be catered for. Please also confirm whether you want your child to have face paints and/or stick on tattoos or not as these will be offered during the events.
  • Please ensure your child has their labelled water bottle to bring to the event, which will be refilled as necessary (water will be provided using paper cups to anyone who forgets their water bottle).

  • Children will be dismissed from their usual classroom doors/doorways after events.

  • Please raise any questions to your class rep or you can email us via  

Finally, a BIG thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to make these events possible. 

Message the event organiser

Questions about this event?

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Private Venue