Gentle Sleep Masterclass 6m - 2y

Host of Leyton venue information

Price: £40.00 (£41.80 including fees)

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About Gentle Sleep Masterclass 6m - 2y

About Gentle Sleep Masterclass 6m - 2y

Hello! I am a leading paediatric Gentle Sleep Consultant and my Masterclasses have been pretty much fully booked for the last 4 years. 

Here is why:

During my Masterclass I share my absolute TOP strategies with you. There will be no holding back!

You will feel EMPOWERED, totally SUPPORTED ready to enjoy parenting to the MAX!

If your baby struggles to:

- Fall asleep or return to sleep without your support

- Get enough sleep

- Get through the bedtime routine without crying

- Sleep during the night


You simply want to get off to a good start!

My strategies are realistic and age appropriate


For a £40 investment you will learn

- Strategies to help your baby fall asleep independently

-Effective nap and bedtime routines

-How to reduce/eliminate night wakings

-Ways to reduce/eliminate the need to rock or feed to sleep

PLUS! You will take away:

-Practical strategies for YOUR sleep concerns

-Access to an exclusive Facebook group

Outdated controlled cry methods can be very upsetting to both children and parents and there is evidence to suggest they can have long lasting detrimental effects.

My Gentle Sleep strategies are based on the latest evidence on sleep and brain development. By using them you will be able to support your baby to become a confident sleeper without tears.

Gentle Sleep Masterclasses will be held in small groups to give you ALL the support you need to help your baby become a confident sleeper.

This is a unique, affordable opportunity to access my: 

-Expert advice based on the latest sleep research

-Evidence based ZERO TEARS Sleep strategies


I will only release 10 tickets and they will SELL OUT x

“I used your strategies and Frankie is not having long naps in his cot and only waking up once to feed. Will definitely recommend you to all my tired friends. Thank you.” Sophie, Frankie 6months

“My husband bought me a ticket as a present. Best present ever! Bobbie’s sleep has improved so much. You were right, he was overtired. We have a lovely (flexy) routine and I feel like I know what I am doing.” Natalie, Bobbie 4months

Want to have a chat?

Drop me a line:

Give me a ring on: 07929330073


Event Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions for Gentle Sleep Masterclass 6m - 2y

-You're welcome to take notes but I would ask you to please not record the session

-Gentle Sleep Masterclasses will start on time. Feel free to arrive a little earlier to get settled

-Babies in arms are welcome but you will take more out of the class if you come on your own

-Tickets are non-refundable but you can pass them on to a friend (who will love you forever!)

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Host of Leyton

658 High Road Leyton
London, E10 6JE