Surviving Baby Loss
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About Surviving Baby Loss
*10 PLACES* Surviving baby loss is a monthly group open to anyone affected by baby loss, miscarriage or stillbirth. We meet in a welcoming environment to share information, discuss services, offer support and listen to each other.
Are you affected by the loss of a baby?
Do you need support?
Would you like to talk to others who really understand?
This session provides a safe, caring and friendly meeting space for anyone who has experienced the death of a baby whether during pregnancy or beyond and is an opportunity to meet others who truly understand and share similar experiences.
Facilitated by qualified counsellor, Sian Naftal
Tea and coffee provided. Children welcome.
Event Terms & Conditions
There is no cost for this group, however donations for Walthamstow Toy Library and Play Centre (registered charity 1178098) are welcome to go towards running this session.
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Private Venue