How to write a short story

Locus Of Walthamstow venue information

Price: £28.31 (£29.93 including fees)

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About How to write a short story

Saturday 19th August 12:15 - 6:15pm


Tutor Bio:  Mel Green is a qualified teacher with over a decade of experience

teaching in state and special schools. She holds an Education MA and

has completed her first year of a Masters in Creative Writing.

Mel Green is currently published writer specialising in personal essays,

educational materials and articles on parenting. She has written and

submitted a number of short stories to magazines and competitions. She

is also a qualified fiction editor specialising in Middle Grade and Young

Adult novels.

Course Outline: 



What stops us from writing?

Scheduling writing practice

Identifying our writing interests

How to find your unique voice, switch off your inner critic and enjoy the

writing process

Using a variety of writing prompts to kick-start the writing process

Reading like a writer – the magpie technique

Practical writing session: write your piece during the class (at least 500

words in length) and share this with a partner


What should participants be able to do by the end of the course

Students will be able to:

schedule in writing practice into their daily life

make use of various media for their writing

use writing prompts

evaluate the writing of others


What form will classes take?

Paired activities

Group discussions

Writing activities

Solo presentations


Students will need to bring their own notebook and pen or laptop.

Students will need to bring their own lunch.

Event Terms & Conditions

Once booked this ticket is non refundable unless the workshop is cancelled by the host. 

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Locus Of Walthamstow

1 Chingford road
walthamstow, e17 4pw