Christopher Nibble- CHILD TICKET

The CentrE17 venue information

Price: £8.00 (£8.68 including fees)

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About Christopher Nibble- CHILD TICKET

Written and illustrated by Charlotte Middleton and adapted for the stage by Claire
Alizon Hills, Topsy Turvy Theatre, the company who brought you Ruby Flew Too!
and Isabel’s Well, proudly present the charming Christopher Nibble in a tale of
dandelion daring-do!

The guinea pigs of Dandeville love munching dandelion leaves so much that slowly
but surely dandelions are disappearing from all over town.
Christopher Nibble knows that crunch time has come when there is just one
dandelion left – but will this plucky little guinea pig have the flower power to save the

Written especially for children aged 2-7 (and their big people too) and told with Topsy
Turvy Theatre’s own blend of energetic storytelling, handmade puppets, original
music and stunning scenery, Christopher Nibble is an uplifting story of one guinea
pig’s selfless undertaking to help halt the disappearance of the delicious dandelion

Event Terms & Conditions

Tickets are non-refundable. Proof of purchase must be shown to gain admission 

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The CentrE17

1 Church Hill
London, E17 3AB