Yamuna Foot Fitness 4 week course
The Health Works venue information
Price: £80.00 (£83.40 including fees)
About Yamuna Foot Fitness 4 week course
Put The Spring Back In Your Step
Every day our feet are subjected to tremendous weight-bearing stress. Over time, this stress leads to imbalanced walking patterns that cause our feet to contract, bones to narrow, and muscles to atrophy. These repetitive, imbalanced walking patterns contribute to misalignment of the muscles and joints from head to toe. Our feet have reflex points that affect our entire being, so when you care for your feet you really are taking care of your entire body.
The course will enable you to:
- Re-educate your feet.
- Learn the walking test to bring function and movement into the feet.
- Understand the importance of foot fitness.
- Increase circulation throughout the body.
- Improve alignment throughout the body.
You will also learn:-
- A series of foot exercises using the foot wakers to stimulate, tone, and elongate all the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the feet and legs
Tuesday 20:15-21:15pm 9th January
Tuesday 20:15-21:15pm 16th January
Tuesday 20:15-21:15pm 23rd January
Tuesday 20:15-21:15pm 30th January
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The Health Works
111a Hoe Street
London, E17 4RX