WFRGreens Members Discussion: Progressive Alliances

Upstairs at the Rose and Crown venue information

Price: £0.00 (£0.00 including fees)

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About WFRGreens Members Discussion: Progressive Alliances

How do you feel about working with other parties?  What did you think about the decision of local parties in Richmond not to field a candidate, in favour of supporting the LibDem candidate?  Do you think that it's worth working alongside ANY other party and its supporters, in order to safeguard the future of the planet?  Or do you think the future of our planet is exactly why we SHOULDN'T?    Our January discussion meeting will be a chaired debate on this subject.

"This house believes that the Green Party is currently the only party standing for a genuinely sustainable future in times of an unprecedented environmental threat. It should therefore not enter into an alliance with any of the other major parties, who are all wedded to the idea of unlimited economic growth."

This is a members event, but you are welcome to bring a guest.  Please register that you're coming here.


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Upstairs at the Rose and Crown

53-55 Hoe Street
Walthamstow, E17 4SA