Introduction to a sewing machine

Price: £35.00 (£36.60 including fees)

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About Introduction to a sewing machine

Come learn to sew on a machine and make an envelope back decorated cushion cover.

During the workshop you will learn how to set up and thread a machine, wind a bobbin, sew straight stitch and an overlock stitch, add buttons to decorate and sew a cushion cover to take home with you.

Time permitting we will cover appliqué using wondaweb to be able to personalise your cushion some more!

We will talk about common problems and how to overcome them.

The program will be:

11.30-12.30 Introduction and learning to thread up, wind a bobbin and talk about common issues.

12.30-1.00 Lunch break

1.00-2.30 Plan appliqué or decorate and sew up your cushion cover.

Cost :£35.00 and includes all material

If you have any questions or comments please email on

Booking essential for workshops.

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