Creative Writing * 10 week discounted price*

Locus Of Walthamstow venue information

Price: £120.00 (£125.00 including fees)

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About Creative Writing * 10 week discounted price*

This ticket is for 2 x 5 week courses 

5 week course starting 17th January 2018


Poetry is eternal graffiti written in the heart of everyone. – Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Poetry  17th January to 14th February         7pm-9pm

Always be a poet, even in prose – Charles Baudelaire

Prose 21st  Feb – 21st March                         7pm-9pm

£15 per session, £70 for a 5 week block, £120 for the full 10 weeks.

Please join us for a creative writing workshop – broken up into two 5 week chunks with flexible poetry classes so come along for one or more of these sessions. Alternatively you can book a block of just poetry or prose, or if you are really keen to develop your writing come along to the whole 10 week session. Even if your first love is not prose/poetry, the workshops will help develop your skills as a writer.

I believe that writing cannot be taught --  but it can be learnt, and this is where I start from. The classes are for anyone who cultivates a, “beginners mind” – new writers, experienced writers, all are welcome. We will use exercises and prompts and produce work during each session.  Workshops will take place in a supportive and friendly atmosphere, and we will learn how to supportively critique each other’s work. You will read your work at a Flowetry event run through Wynwood Art/Locus of Walthamstow at a date TBC.

I have run successful Creative Writing Workshops at Kensington and Chelsea College and have had my poems published in a number of small press journals and zines, including The Los Angeles Review, Concrete, Remark and the recent Wynwood Art fanzines.

POETRY: these workshops will have the group look at the work of a poet and discuss it, we will then carry out exercises to start writing and then finish with more focused writing where you can mine the work you have done to ‘find’ your poem. We will discuss meter, and rhyme but the focus will be on free verse and on having you write, write, write!

PROSE: we will look at structure for short stories but these can be expanded and applied to other longer forms of narrative, including novels, plays and screenplays.

Week 1:          Where to begin? Finding a voice/subject/inspiration.

Week 2:          Creating a character. Monologues

Week 3:          Plot. The Hero’s Journey.

Week 4:          Dialogue. Point-of-View.

Week 5:          Editing. Self-Assessment.

We will carry out exercises and workshop each other’s writing throughout the course. 

Event Terms & Conditions

If you need no cancel this workshop, please notify us 10 days prior to the start of the workshop date otherwise this ticket is non refundable unless cancelled by the host. 

A processing fee will occur for all cancellations. For more details please email

Message the event organiser

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Locus Of Walthamstow

1 Chingford road
walthamstow, e17 4pw